Our PLC in Action
At Pakenham Springs our major emphasise is to ensure our focus at all times is on improving student learning. To ensure this focus, Pakenham Springs is seen as a Professional Learning Community.
Our Mission Statement at Pakenham Springs is:
It is the mission of Pakenham Springs to educate, motivate and inspire all students to ensure they acquire the essential skills and knowledge to become respectful and informed members of the local and global community.
Our Vision Statement at Pakenham Springs is:
The Pakenham Springs community is united in its quest to achieve high quality success in learning for all students. A collaborative and positive approach motivates the community to pursue greater success for student learning. Pakenham Springs is recognised for setting the standard in educational excellence.
During the schools history, we have:
- embraced the premise that the fundamental purpose of the school is to ensure that all students learn at high levels and we have enlisted the staff in examining existing practices, programs, and procedures to ensure it aligns with that purpose;
- organized staff into meaningful collaborative teams that take collective responsibility for student learning and work interdependently to achieve shared goals for which members hold themselves mutually accountable;
- established a guaranteed and viable curriculum for each curriculum area that clarifies the essential learning for all students; we have teams agree on pacing guidelines, and develop and administer common formative assessments to monitor each student’s learning at the end of each lesson sequence;
- used the evidence of student learning to identify:
- students who need additional time and support to become proficient
- students who need enrichment and extension of their learning because they’re already highly proficient
- teachers who help students achieve at high levels so team members can examine those teachers’ practices
- teachers who struggle to help students become proficient so team members can assist in supporting the development of their professional practice
- skills or concepts that none of the teachers were able to help students achieve at the intended level so the team can expand its learning beyond its members to become more effective in teaching those skills or concepts.
On Friday the 10th of October, teachers from the Ballarat Diocese came to Pakenham Springs for professional development on how Professional Learning Communities operate.